[All your base are belong to us.]
Joe D'Andrea
Technical Manager, www.att.com
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, US

This page is bent on being XHTML 1.0 and style sheet friendly. Plus, like many homes, it has a lawn. So there.

Read the standard disclaimer and be enlightened. And while you're at it, here's the requisite table of music-related pages. (Have you visited Omnichrome, Radio Free Oz, AnyWho or Hyperdiscordia yet?)

Mike Keneally enthusiasts: Check out The Faithful Axe Challenge, the web page that dares to answer the question: "Which Yes guitar licks does MK quote in his 'affectionate tribute', anyway?"

Put those spare CPU cycles to good use! Help crack RSA Labs' 64-bit secret-key challenge or join in the search for Mersenne primes. It's easy when you know how.

Everyone knows who America Online is and everyone knows about those free disks. Have you thanked AOL for supplying the world with free storage media? (... spam?)

Web Counter sez a lot of you think that page counters are "utterly wretched" and the rest of you are really into Quantum Teleportation (talk about your non sequiturs.)


[the lawn]

[joe under attack]

Live! | Music | PGP Public Key | Standard Disclaimer | Under Attack | The Usual Suspects

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Fan Mail:  j d a n d r e a @ a t t . c o m (remove spaces)
Updated: Sunday, 6 August 2000  AD
This site abides by the Web Interoperability Pledge.